Breathe in inspiration and trust yourself, the answer is yes you can...

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013


There are lots of web pages on the world, but of my point of view the webs which are  more useful actually are them which contains different information and these one which let you interact with other people.

Some of the most useful web pages are:

"Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"
This web receives all day millions of visits and coments. You can look for any kind of information.

It is an useful web to learn some english, people around the world use it.

This web is for anybody who wants to know the news from our country, it is visited every day.

And here are some of my best webs, I recommended you to visit, I hope you enjoy them...

You can listen to any kind of music and search for all the types of videos you can imagine.

 This is my club's web page, you can learn more about our history and know a little more of this exciting sport.

Official page of the swimming national federation, a lot of news in relation with swimming are published every day.

Come and visit them!!!!!


En el mundo hay muchas páginas web, pero desde mi punto de vista aquellas más útiles son las que contienen diferente información y te permiten interactuar  con otras personas.

Algunas de las páginas web más útiles son

"Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre"
Recibe cada día miles de visitas y comentarios. Puedes buscar cualquier tipo de información.

Es una página útil para aprender inglés, gente de todo el mundo la usa.

Para cualquiera que quiera saber noticias del país, visitada cada día.

Y aquí hay algunas de mis páginas preferidas, te las recomiendo, espero que te diviertan...

Puedes escuchar cualquier tipo de música y vídeos.

Página de mi club, puedes aprender un poco de nuestra historia y conocer algo más este fascinante deporte.

Página oficial de la real federación española de natacion, noticias relacionadas con la natación son publicadas cada día.


miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013


Bitter sweet symphony is the tittle of an old song written by a group, his name means "El brío" and the tittle song "Sinfonía agridulce".
The song was put out the 16/06/1997 in England and the 10/03/1998 in EEUU.
The video shows a man who is walking down the street, the people goes in one direccion and he is walking in the opposite one. He is decided and serious.
The lyrics give us one idea: the man knows that he can change but he thinks that the society do not let him do that. He talks whith God but he supposes that He does not hear him. But in the end he found more people who is like him. It is easily to have more people around you, although you think different from the rest.


miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

        WE MUST STOP THIS!!!

Bullying: acoso escolar. Forma de maltrato psicológico, verbal o físico hacia un escolar. Generalmente suele suceder en aulas y patios de recreo.

Battering: comportamiento para establecer poder sobre otra persona a través del miedo y la intimidación, a veces incluye el uso de violencia.

Mobbing: acoso laboral. Producir miedo, terror o desprecio al trabajador. Éstos reciben una violencia psicológica por medio de sus compañeros o superiores.

Éstas palabras se relacionan en que todas se refieren a un tipo de acoso hacia otras personas.

Bullying: any kind of psichologist, verbal or fisical violence against a colleague. It happened in classes and playgrounds.

Battering: a kind of behaviour to 'control' another person using fear and intimidation, sometimes including violence.

Mobbing: producing fear, terror or contempt against a worker. They recibe a psichologist violence through their colleagues or bosses.

All these words are connected by a kind of harassment towards other people.

The videos are from YouTube.