Breathe in inspiration and trust yourself, the answer is yes you can...

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013


El mundo de la poesía engloba muchas obras y tipos, nos centraremos en uno en concreto que quizás no hayas escuchado: "Haiku".
Es una forma de poesía tradicional japonesa. Es un poema breve, generalmente formado por tres versos de 5,7 y 5 moras respectivamente. Suelen tratar del asombro y arrobo que produce la contemplación de la naturaleza.

The poetry world includes lots of works and types, we are going to focus at one in particular, maybe you haven't heard: "haiku"
It is a kind of traditional poetry in japan. It is short, generally it is formed by three verses of 5,7 and 3 "moras". It delays with wonder which produces the contemplation of nature.

Aquí os dejo uno de mi propia cosecha:

es otra forma
de divertirse.
Here is one of my invention:
is another way
to enjoy.

1 comentario:

  1. This isn´t a HAIKU but a PROVERB... try again...break the reader´s horizon of expectations!!!!
