Breathe in inspiration and trust yourself, the answer is yes you can...

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014


El Valle del Jerte es una comarca de Extremadura, es conocido debido a que cada primavera florecen más de miles de cerezos, creando una atmósfera inigualable y única.

Valle del Jerte is a place in Extremadura, is so popular cause each spring thousand of cherry-trees flower, making an inusual atmosphere.

Este bonito espectáculo tiene lugar entre el 20 de marzo y el 10 de abril, aunque siempre puede variar un poco.

This wonderful show takes place between 20 march to 10 april, although it can oscillates.

Este lugar se encuentra a unos 426 km desde Córdoba.
This place is 426 km from Córdoba.

Otro espacio que sin duda también te impresionará es:

La Garganta de la Puria es una ruta circular que discurre entre robles y cerezos hasta llegar a la garganta, en el Valle del Jerte.

Garganta de la Puria is a route that ends in Valle del Jerte.

Iría sin pensarmelo dos veces, es un bonito lugar para contemplar la naturaleza en su máximo esplendor y puedes desgustar unas cerezas que sin duda tienen que ser de las mejores.

I'd go, is a beautiful place where you can contemplate nature and of course you can taste one of the best cherries.

Para más información, os dejo un link:


15 comentarios:

  1. I like your blog nuria, it has a lot of information and the music is good!!

  2. The music of your post is very nice, and I really like your blog!

  3. I like the colours you have used to decore your post, is wonderful!! good job Nuria

  4. I love your post is very nice and colorful, also has enough information.

  5. The post is so colourful and it has got a lot of information! Good job!

  6. this very well but lack information, videos ....

  7. good post but i think that you should put a colour to the text,and more pictures,good job!!

  8. Good post Nuria. You know how to summarize the information. I really like your background music and your welcoming message. Good job Nuri!

  9. The post has a lot of information, photos and colour!!

  10. Good job but you can put highlighters and more colours

  11. This fantastic post has all the information that you need, i also like too much the music.

  12. Okey...but don´t miss the highlighters...and check the question I set in my post...answer them all, please!!!!

  13. bYou should put more higtlighters by the plus important concept nuria

  14. your posts is fantastic!!!!!!!! I like the music!

  15. Your post is very good because has a lot of information and images. You should put more colour for improve more your post. Good blog!
