Breathe in inspiration and trust yourself, the answer is yes you can...

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014


What does it mean?
Qué significa?

Swimming is the self propulsion through water or other liquid for sport, survival, recreation...
Movimiento a través del agua u otro líquido, como diversión, supervivencia...

Swimming as a sport
Como deporte

Swimming as a sport involves competition among participants who try to be the fast over a given distance. Different distances are swum in different levels of competition.
Incluye las competiciones entre nadadores que intentan ser los más rápidos en una distancia dada. Se nadan diferentes distancias en las distintas competiciones.

Olympic games
Juegos olímpicos

Swimming has been part of Olympic games since 1898
La natación ha sido parte de los JJOO desde 1898.


The sport is governed internationally by FINA. Competition pools for FINA events are 25 or 50 m in length, although its deeph can variate.
Está registrado internacionalmente por FINA, las piscinas para sus eventos son de 25 o 50 metros.


There are 4 main styles known as strokes, they are: butterfly, breakstroke, backstroke and freestyle.
Hay 4 estilos principales: mariposa, braza, espalda y crol.

Best swimmers ever
Mejores nadadores

Michael Phelps (EEUU)
Ian Thorpe (Australia)
Alexander Popov (Russia)
Ryan Lochte (EEUU)
Mark Spitz (EEUU)

2 comentarios:

  1. My dear... the display is a bit dull...will you please enhance it????Will you include some links on the matter?

  2. I like your post Nuria, but I think you can put more colours, it will be more colorful and beautiful!!
